Scottish Squash work in partnership with SportyHQ to use the website as our primary competition and events platform, as well as allowing all member regions, clubs and facilities (Squash and Squash+) to access the following SportyHQ modules as part of their affiliation to Scottish Squash (please note that Stripe charges will still apply to any transaction fees):

  • Basic Module: Create your facility profile, manage members including payment and affiliations;
  • Facility Management Module: Manage your members including bulk emails, event registration, calendar, membership statistics and reports, membership billing and import/export functionality;
  • Booking Module: Manage unlimited courts and online bookings, court booking app for Apple/Android, unlimited booking types, advanced booking policy management, booking statistics, accept payments and ‘looking for a player’ helper;
  • Performance Module: Box leagues, unlimited tournaments, team leagues, solo leagues, ladders, ranking lists and recording club match results.

SportyHQ also offer a Website Module allowing clubs and facilities a great opportunity to build an online presence at an affordable price. A 30 day free trial is available which your SportyHQ club administrator(s) can activate via their Facility Administration page.

Activating Modules

To activate any of the SportyHQ Modules above and to start utilising the benefits, club administrator(s) are required to login and renew their Club Subscription via the SportyHQ Subscription tab on their Facility Administration page.

Support for Clubs

SportyHQ have a dedicated YouTube channel which contains a number of helpful videos/user guides –

Regions, members and clubs can also contact for further information and support.