2018 Junior Inter-Regional Team Championships

The 2018 Junior Inter-Regional Team Championships take place at Scotstoun Sports Campus from Friday 20th – Sunday 22nd April.

The schedule for the competition can be downloaded here.

Players taking part in the competition are asked to take note of the following information:

  • Schedule – Given the number of entries we are working to an extremely tight schedule and would ask all managers/coaches to prepare teams well in advance so matches can follow straight on.
  • Refereeing – It is the responsibility of teams to ensure this is coordinated for each tie.
  • Match Cards – It is the responsibility of the winning team manager/coach to ensure that the completed match card is returned to the tournament desk on completion of the fixture.
  • Personal Belongings – Can team managers/coaches remind all players that we strongly encourage no personal belongings to be left unattended in any part of the leisure centre.