Covid-19 Competitions Update

In light of the ongoing uncertainty created by the global COVID-19 pandemic, Scottish Squash can confirm that the official 2020/21 competition season will not commence before the 1st January 2021 at the earliest. Any decision to commence the season on this date will be constantly reviewed and communicated in due course.

This difficult decision has been reached based on a number of influencing factors which have been detailed below. As we continue to progress through and out of the pandemic, our overarching priority for re-commencing our competition calendar is ensuring that we can deliver competitions and events in the safest possible environment that protects players, referees, competition organisers, general spectators and the wider public.

This decision allows Scottish Squash adequate time to plan a condensed 2020/21 squash season and understand the impact on representative selection within a condensed season at all levels across the sport. In addition, following the period of club/facility closure as a result of the national lockdown, we hope that this decision also allows clubs and facilities an extended period of time to focus on the re-opening of their clubs/facilities and support their players and members to return to the game.

If the current restrictions continue to ease to a level that permits competitive squash, we may look to sanction a limited number of competitions at Bronze and Silver level. These competitions will provide an opportunity to continue to support players returning to squash but also act as test competitions ahead of the official 2020/21 squash season starting.

You can see what this means for the specific levels of competitive

squash below:

  • Junior Circuit:
    • No Gold level sanctioned competitions will take place before 1st January 2021.
    • Bronze & Silver level sanctioned competitions may take place before 1st January 2021 but they will not be recognised competitions in season 2020/21. Clubs and competition organisers will be made aware if these are permitted from an earlier date.
    • The 2020 Scottish Junior Open has been cancelled.
  • Senior Circuit:
    • No Scottish National League fixtures will be scheduled before the start of the 2020/21 squash season on 1st January 2021 at the earliest.
    • No Gold level sanctioned competitions will take place before 1st January 2021.
    • Bronze & Silver level sanctioned competitions may take place before 1st January 2021 but they will not be recognised competitions in the 2020/21 squash season. Clubs and competition organisers will be made aware if these are permitted from an earlier date.
  • Masters Circuit:
    • No regional sanctioned Masters Competitions will take place before the 1st January 2021.

Performance Level Competitions

As we continue to support performance squash players in Scotland to return to training/work there may be opportunities, out with the above details, to deliver forms of competition to support them. These competitions may be delivered as ‘behind closed door’ competitions depending on specific guidance available from sportscotland and The Scottish Government at that time.

These competitions may include some of the following:

  • Junior Excellence Programme training days / match play sessions.
  • Premier Squash League fixtures.
  • Professional Squash Association (PSA) Satellite sanctioned competitions.

As previously mentioned, this has been an extremely difficult decision to reach but Scottish Squash continue to support the efforts of the Scottish Government to continue to suppress the virus within Scotland. Should you wish to discuss any of the above in further detail please contact Allan McKay (Head of Coaching & Competitions) on 07483 908 890 or by e-mailing


Scottish Junior Open cancelled due to COVID-19

Scottish Squash have today confirmed that the Scottish Junior Open 2020, scheduled to take place in Edinburgh from 28-30 December, has been cancelled due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

This competition plays a key part in our junior calendar and we’re grateful to all those who have been part of our journey to develop this competition over the last 4 years, however the ongoing pandemic and the restrictions that are currently in place make this extremely challenging to deliver. This has not been an easy decision to reach but the safety of all the players, staff, officials and spectators is most important to us.

We would like to thank JC Lindsay who have continued to support this event for the past 4 years, allowing us to grow the profile and welcome new and more competitors year on year. We also extend our thanks to Edinburgh Sports Club & Oriam for been such fantastic venues to stage this event.

We look forward to hosting the event in the 2021/22 squash season and welcoming many of you back to Scotland.