Competition Calendar Launch

We’re pleased to be able to confirm that we will transition back to the national competition pathway for squash in Scotland from January 1st 2022. We would like to extend our thanks to all the regions, clubs, organisers and volunteers who supported the BounceBack competition programme while we progressed through a difficult period caused by the pandemic. There is no doubt that challenges will continue to be experienced in the months ahead but we feel that it is an appropriate time to re-start our national competition pathway and work together to re-grow this section of the sport across Scotland.

We’re pleased to have developed a competition calendar which we believe will support the re-start of competitions between January 2022 – June 2022 and offer competitive squash of various levels to our three categories; junior, senior and masters. Given the short season being delivered the development of the calendar looked a little different to previous years and as a result of time constraints the usual process for clubs/facilities to apply to host Platinum level competitions and organise and deliver Gold sanctioned competitions was not carried out. However, this process will return for season 2022/23 and further details will be shared with clubs in due course.

Additionally, as a result of the short season being delivered it was appropriate to prioritise the competitions which feature in the calendar. Priority was given to national championships across the various age categories and then Gold sanctioned competitions which link to international selection for representative teams across junior, senior and masters level. As a result of this process you might not see all competitions that would typically take place in a full season. Unfortunately, at the moment there are no plans to deliver the Scottish National League for season 2021/22 but we are reviewing the impact of this against any selection for a future European Club Championships. Also, the Scottish Junior Inter-Regional Team Championships which typically takes place towards the end of each season has not been scheduled. We are hopeful this can take place during the first half of the 2022/23 season and further information will follow once the calendar development is underway for that season. Lastly, at this time the Scottish Under 23 National Championships and Scottish Racketball National Championships are not scheduled within the current calendar. Priority has been given to those Platinum level competitions and sanctioned competitions which link to selection for international teams where Scotland is represented at home nation, European and World events.

Developments are also continuing as Scotland prepares to host the European Masters Championships in Edinburgh in June 2022 following the postponement in June 2021. Further details will be released shortly.

The online competition calendar available on the Scottish Squash website will be updated shortly, in the meantime the below image shows an overview of upcoming competitions. A reminder that once competitions are open for entry they appear in the relevant competition section of our website and also on the Scottish Squash SportyHQ page: Junior CompetitionsSenior CompetitionsMasters Competitions.

Regions and/or clubs/facilities are also now able to register any Bronze and Silver sanctioned competitions and this process remains open for the duration of the season. Details on how to do this can be found in the competition structure section of our website. Any organisers interested in organising and delivering competitions may also wish to familiarise themselves with our information which outlines ‘roles and responsibilities for sanctioned competitions’.

Details on the Scottish Squash selection criteria and policy for junior, senior and masters international selection will be published shortly and available on the Scottish Squash website.

Should you have any queries on any of the above please contact Kevin Moran (Coaching & Competitions Manager) in the first instance by emailing or contacting 07495 912 803