We want to hear from you

Scottish Squash are working on the development of a new strategic plan for squash in Scotland for the period 2023-2027. As part of its next four-year strategy, Scottish Squash wishes to develop its ambition to provide a pathway to the game for all.

One of the actions that will help to bring this about is to ask people involved in squash/squash57 in all different capacities what they want so that Scottish Squash goes on to provide the opportunities to play and develop that individuals want. This will aim to give you the best experience of squash/squash57 that we can, while opening the game up to new players.

Scottish Squash has commissioned Sarah Gandon from Gandon Sports Consultancy to help it consider the different priorities for the organisation, to ensure that the views of individuals are fully represented within this strategy. The following survey has been designed to capture your views on some of the main issues under discussion: it should take no more than 10 minutes to complete, and the closing date will by Friday 12th August  2022.

Please take this opportunity to make your voice heard. Answer the survey as completely as you can, and be entirely open and honest in your answers, as all feedback to Scottish Squash will be in summary form and anonymised.

You can access the survey by clicking here.