Equality Monitoring Survey 2022: Help make squash everyone’s game

As part of our commitment to making squash accessible to all, we are collecting data on the profile of the squash community in Scotland in terms of equality and diversity.

If you are involved in squash in any capacity, whether as a player, coach, referee, parent, volunteer or anything else, we would like to hear from you.

We are looking for participants to complete the 2022 Equality Monitoring Survey via this link: https://forms.office.com/r/Q7YLhMgzyj

Why is the Equality Monitoring Survey important?

The Equality Monitoring Survey is an important part of our work in terms of equality, diversity and inclusion.

Responses to our pathway survey showed the squash community in Scotland shares our commitment to making squash a game for everyone.

The data we collect will help us to see the progress we are making and will also help us to identify areas of under-representation where we can continue to target our work.

We want everyone to feel that squash is a game for them, and the results of this survey will ensure the sport takes another step towards that aim.

How will your personal information be treated?

Responses will be treated in the strictest confidence, in line with the principles of the Data Protection Act 2018. This means that:

  • your information will be stored securely with restricted access;
  • information will be anonymous (this means that there will be no way in which you can be identified), there is nowhere on the form that asks for your name; and
  • information will be combined in the form of summary reports which will be reported to our Board.

Instructions for completion 

You are not obliged to answer all of the questions, however if you don’t wish to answer a question, we would ask you to choose prefer not to say instead of skipping it, if possible.

Thank you in advance of your cooperation.