Senga Macfie targeting many more years of squash after awards success

Scotland’s Masters Player of the Year hopes to continue playing squash for many years to come, after one of her best ever years on court.

Senga Macfie won the award at the Scottish Squash Annual Awards 2023 in the face of tough competition from Paul Jenkins and European over 75 Champion Ian Ross.

Recognising the quality of the contenders for that prize, Senga said: “Ian is such an inspiration, I really hope that I can keep playing as long as he has.

“If I can still nip about the court like he does when I’m in my 70s, I’ll be absolutely over the moon.”

Having defied her own expectations by reaching the final of the Senior National Championships, the Abercorn Squash Club stalwart played her part in the team which secured a historic back-to-back win at the Masters Home Internationals.

Senga reflected: “It felt like I had a pretty good season last year, and the highlight was getting to the final of the Nationals because at my age with the physicality of the matches it was certainly a tough test.

“This year was also the best Masters weekend that I have been involved with in terms of excitement, it was such an exciting finish which literally went down to counting points.”

That team which was made up of Rosie Wilson, Kim Byers, Sue Strachan, Jennifer Broadley and captain Sabine Mackenzie – one of the first people to congratulate Senga on her awards success.

Senga with her teammates following success at the Masters Home Internationals

Having spent almost a decade as a professional player, Senga competed in the PSA World Tour, the European Squash Individual Championship and represented Scotland at the Commonwealth Games in Malaysia in 1998.

And with 42 years of on-court experience, she is keen to give back and share her love for the sport with others as a coach.

Senga said: “I really try hard to help people enjoy squash like I do.

“If they can get anywhere close to what I get out of it then it’s a really good thing, and I do try to help everyone that I coach get better.

“I don’t just go through coaching sessions and just reel off loads of exercises, I’m properly in there giving it 100%.”

After a hugely successful year, most players could be forgiven for planning to take it easy, but Senga has no such plans, pending recovery from a niggly injury.

She said: “I’m hoping to play in the World Masters for the first time in the Netherlands next year.

“I’m hoping to enter the nationals again, although it may be a bridge too far this year.

“If my physical state allows it, I’ll absolutely be playing in the nationals along with some of the bigger local events in Scotland.”

Senga’s love for the game is unquestionable, and her commitment to sharing that passion with others undeniable.

Nobody who has seen Senga in her element on court will doubt her commitment to playing for many years to come.

Thank you to iPROSPORTS who sponsored the Masters Player of the Year Award 2023. Thank you also to The Fitness Group for their Headline Sponsorship of the 2023 Annual Awards.