Five reasons why squash is a perfect sport for the winter

With the mercury set to hit temperatures as low as -10C in some parts of Scotland this week, we took to Instagram to ask why squash is the perfect sport for the winter months. 

The responses were varied, but a common theme emerged – squash provides an ideal opportunity to banish the winter blues and stay in shape. 

Whether you’re a lifelong player, or keen to try something new this year, here are five reasons why squash is the perfect sport for colder weather, with suggestions from our followers on Instagram. 

It is a good way to warm up 

Sure, dragging yourself out of the house is never easy in the winter months. A task made even harder when the temperatures drop and the pavements are slippery. 

Once you’re on court though, everything changes. You turn on the heaters, go through your warm up and start playing. 

Before you know it, the cold is a distant memory and you’ve forgotten all about the weather forecast of snow for tomorrow. 

No special winter gear required – just put on shorts and a t-shirt and you’re good to go! 

You can play it in any weather 

We can all relate – we make that new year’s resolution to get fit, and what better way to do that than to go for a run. 

We pull those old running shoes out of the closet, do a few stretches and we’re ready to hit the ground running. 

Out the door we go, and then… Remember those icy pavements? Getting fit can wait for nicer weather, better stick with Netflix. 

With squash, getting fit is always an option. No matter how slippery those pavements are, the squash court provides a safe surface for exercise all year round.  

It’s social and fun, perfect for the January blues

Shorter days, faltering new year’s resolutions and returning to work after all those festivities can make for a difficult start to the new year. 

As we write on “Blue Monday” – said to be the saddest day of the year – perhaps exercise could serve to brighten up our days and blow away some of those winter cobwebs. 

Head down to your local squash club and there will be no shortage of friendly people willing to show you the ropes, get you running around the court and having a laugh while you play. 

Squash can be intense, but it can also be a great way to boost your mood, make friends and have some fun! 

It can be played all year round  

There are lots of great sport out there for the summer, and lots of great sports out there for the winter. 

You start developing those skills, you’re becoming confident and then the season ends. 

No such worries with squash. If you start playing in January, you’ll be improving by February, confident by March and when December rolls round you’ll have a whole year of the sport under your belt! 

No stops and starts, just an opportunity to play as much or as little squash as you want all year round! 

You don’t need loads of equipment 

Back to the closet with the running shoes – perhaps you had to rummage under those golf clubs you bought last year with the best of intentions, maybe they were sitting on top of those expensive roller blades that you just had to have. 

Thankfully, the low cost of entry to squash makes it an appealing option. 

All you need is a pair of non-marking shoes and you’re good to go! 

If you head to your nearest squash club or leisure centre as a beginner, they will most likely have the option to borrow or hire a racket and balls – everything you need to try squash. 

Of course, the top of the range racket can follow – once you’ve fallen in love with the sport! 

Do you want to try squash this winter? Check out our map to find the squash club closest to you.