Masters stories: “Belief is so important – anyone could win it”

As one of Scotland’s most decorated Masters squash players Eunice Bond is well placed to comment on this year’s National Championship.

With seven Scottish titles won over the course of more than two decades, she knows what it takes to challenge at the very top of the game.

Eunice said: “Belief is so important – anyone could win it this weekend, people can have off days and you could have a great day, so you’ve just got to believe.”

It was that belief – along with persistence – which brought Eunice her fondest squash memory, winning the British O65 championship in 2022 – her first British title, and an achievement years in the making.

The veteran squash star first picked up a racket at 14, when a PE teacher noticed her aptitude for the sport and opened doors for Eunice, and some of her classmates to play squash at Waverley Squash Club and Edinburgh Sports Club.

She explained: “After school I joined the Royal Air Force and travelled all over so I didn’t play as much in Scotland, but I did play on the base and played for the RAF so I had enough squash in my plate.

“After having a child, I followed my husband around to different bases, so we went out to Hong Kong and Germany where I played in the German leagues.”

The squash ace returned to Scotland at 40, moving to Forres, and it was while playing at Inverness Tennis and Squash Club that she found out about Masters squash.

Eunice recalls: “I played Jill Johnson and it was a really close game  – afterwards she said that I had to go down and play in the Masters – but I had never heard of it at that point.

“My first competition was probably when I was 41 and I’m 68 this year, and I’ve basically played every year since my first.”

Reflecting on Masters squash, and the early years in particular, it was the camaraderie and friendship which Eunice valued most, and which kept her playing year after year.

While some of her friends from earlier competitions have drifted away from the game, the Somerset based squash player has no intention of stepping away – with a World level title a longer term ambition.

Her focus this weekend is firmly on competing with Pauline Douglas, Maureen Carroll and Christina Graham for the O65 title.

She said: “As we get older our priorities change, now I’ve got a grandchild and that matters more than getting out and training on my own on a squash court – but I always look forward to these tournaments because I get to catch up with all the girls.”

Key to her love of the game has been the way that it has helped her to stay fit and healthy over the years.

Eunice added: “A lot of my friends are on tablets and have various issues with movement, but I’m still in good shape thankfully, because of all the shadowing and stretching that I do.”

With her passion for the game shining through, the squash ace will hope to keep competing – and, perhaps, winning – for many years to come.

Nine male and four female champions will be crowned at Edinburgh Sports Club this weekend. You can check out the schedule and keep up to date with the results on SportyHQ.