Scottish Teams Confirmed for 2024 Masters Home Internationals

Scottish Squash is thrilled to announce the teams that will represent Scotland in various age categories during the prestigious Masters Home Internationals competitions during April and May 2024. With an impressive roster of veteran players across the age groups, including some gaining a well-deserved first cap, Scotland is poised to make a strong showing on the international squash circuit. Scottish Squash wishes the teams all the success as they compete on the international stage, and looks forward to welcoming teams from Wales, Ireland and England to the Scottish capital in April for fixtures in the Men’s Over 40s and 60s, and Women’s Over 35/40s and 60s categories at the renowned Edinburgh Sports Club. Representing Scotland for 2024:

MHI Nottingham, 12th & 13th April

Men’s Over 45:

  • Barry Masson (Captain)
  • Chris Gray
  • Allan Tasker
  • David McCormick
  • Richard Campbell
  • Chris Turlik

Men’s Over 65:

  • Robin Ridley (Captain)
  • Keith Gristwood
  • Peter Shivas
  • Norman Paterson
  • George Stewart
  • Bryan Jackson
  • David McAleese

Women’s Over 45:

  • Katy Temple (Captain)
  • Jenn Saldanha
  • Sabine Mackenzie
  • Karen Robertson
  • Max Thomson

Women’s Over 65:

  • Pauline Douglas (Captain)
  • Eunice Bond
  • Christina Graham
  • Maureen Carroll

MHI Edinburgh, 19th & 20th April

Men’s Over 40:

  • Billy Scott (Captain)
  • Allan Tasker
  • Iain Young
  • Blair McKenzie
  • Graham Lind
  • David Simpson

Men’s Over 60:

  • Chris Holt (Captain)
  • Colin Grant
  • Ronnie Carter
  • Neil Stone-Wigg
  • Les Symmons
  • Keith Gristwood

Women’s Over 35/40:

  • Lizzie Little (Captain)
  • Katy Temple
  • Mhairi Gritz
  • Sheena Logan
  • Catriona Smith
  • Susie Lind

Women’s Over 60:

  • Jennifer McArtney (Captain)
  • Rosie Wilson
  • Bernie Beattie
  • Pauline Douglas

MHI Dublin, 26th & 27th April

Men’s Over 50:

  • Peter Buchan (Captain)
  • Keith Simpson
  • Simon Boughton
  • Adrian Richmond
  • John Kynoch
  • Tim Herron

Men’s Over 70:

  • Emilio Fazzi (Captain)
  • Ian Ross
  • Robert Thompson
  • Werner Kittel
  • Fred Laing
  • Dave Sturman

Women’s Over 50:

  • Donna Cruickshank (Captain)
  • Julia Horsburgh
  • Bernie Beattie
  • Jennifer McArtney
  • Kim Byers

MHI Cardiff, 3rd & 4th May:

Men’s Over 35:

  • Ross McHoul (Captain)
  • Iain Tennant
  • Calum Reid
  • Rene Van Oorschot
  • Calum Philip
  • Mike Hegarty

Men’s Over 55:

  • Andy Meldrum (Captain)
  • Paul Jenkins
  • Barry Sutherland
  • Brian Robertson
  • Colin Grant
  • Mike Ramsay

Men’s Over 75:

  • Ian Ross (Captain)
  • Alex Everingham
  • Alex Sinclair
  • Ken Reid

Women’s Over 55:

  • Julia Horsburgh (Captain)
  • Helen Cordiner
  • Bernie Beattie
  • Pauline Douglas
  • Maureen Carrroll