Membership and Equality Survey: Your chance to tell us what’s valuable to YOU

We are constantly striving to ensure that we offer our members value, do not discriminate against people and aim to achieve best practice in the delivery of our sport. As part of this process we would like to hear from you.

SSRL is currently reviewing its membership and affiliation programme and we want to hear from YOU. This is your chance to let us know what your club offers to its members, what has worked and was hasn’t in relation to your membership offering, as well as detail what you understand about your club’s activities and membership strategy.

We’re committed to providing all our members and clubs with a valuable, inclusive, player focused membership offer that meets the needs of everyone across Scotland. As such, it is hoped that you’ll take part in a short self-assessment survey.

We’re asking for 2 different perspectives on the membership process – the individual and the club:

1. Individual Club Members (open to everyone who is currently a member at a squash club)
2. Club Committee Members (open only to active committee members at an SSRL affiliated squash club)

Put simply, our research objectives are as follows:

1. Document what clubs understand about their current membership strategy.
2. Understand what individual club members deem significant during their journey into and throughout the membership process.
3. Determine what activities and processes correlate with successful membership
4. Provide clubs with guidance on how to develop their membership


Questions simply ask how strongly you agree with various statements.

Honest opinion is encouraged, so your feedback will be anonymous and confidential.

It should only take 5-10 minutes to complete

Please only answer the survey applicable to you.

By proceeding you are consenting to take part and understand results will be used in subsequent reports. There is no obligation to take part and if you do take part, you have the right to stop participating at any time, and to have your responses discarded. All data will be stored confidentially and securely for 12 months and will be used for the contracted research purposes only. After 12 months, all data will be securely destroyed.

I look forward to reading your responses.


Chris Cox



Please note, the following information will be shared with Club contacts. If you are a Club contact, or know of your Club contact, please ask them to share this information with members.

You may experience some slow-scrolling during the completion of the survey, please accept our apologies.


We have been asked by our funders, sportscotland to renew and resubmit our evidence for what is called the Preliminary Equity standard by September this year. This will be a recognition that our delivery as a sport is equitable and meets modern standards. We have been asked to once again establish a picture of our existing demographic as a base figure and then to show that we are addressing any areas of need in an appropriate manner.

What follows is a link to a short survey which you are asked to complete which asks what you may feel are at first sight to be quite personal questions, however please be assured that this survey is utterly confidential and personal responses cannot be seen or identified in any way. The only outcome of the survey is a summary report.

The completion of this survey will take about 30 seconds and we would be very grateful if you would complete the survey by Thursday 7th July to enable us to prepare a report for Sport Scotland.

Thank you for your assistance in this important matter.