Scotland duo Break Guinness Record

Mark James and Mark Boydell smashed the Guinness world record for the longest singles squash marathon playing straight for 45 hours, two minutes and 50 seconds.

The duo started playing at Montrose Sports Centre on Friday afternoon at 3pm and finished just after noon on Sunday raising over £4000 for charities Nyumbani HIV Orphans Children Kenya & Operation Florian for earthquake victims in Nepal (Scottish Fire Rescue).

Mr James is squash professional and a Masters internationalist and Mr Boydell is a Montrose squash team player, former Royal Marine, local martial arts instructor and the current national coach of the Scottish Taekwon-Do team.

The previous record was 38 hours and 27 seconds and was achieved by Len Granger and Jamie Barnett, at Barnt Green Sports Club in Barnt Green, Worcestershire, between September 4 and 5, 2015.

There are plans for a record event to be staged in Edinburgh at some point soon!

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