Celebration Gala Dinner Evening – Postponed

Many thanks for showing your interest in the Celebration Gala Dinner Evening.

Although the concept of this has been very well received we feel that the timing is not quite right. We have tried to schedule this to coincide with Martin Heath’s (National Elite Coach) visit however as this date clashes with the holiday season many people are unavailable.

We are planning to re-schedule our Gala dinner for November and a date will be confirmed closer to the time. Maggie Still would also like to correspond with each of you soon.

May I take this opportunity to thank you for your support and I really hope to see you at our fantastic evening in November.

In recognition of a fantastic year for squash!

Scottish Squash and Racketball invite you to our Celebration Gala Dinner Evening

Awards & Medal Ceremony | Ceilidh Band | Silent Auction | Raffle

Date: Friday 15 July 2016 – 7pm-Midnight

Location: Heriot Watt University, James Watt Centre II, Edinburgh

**Limited number of tickets so book early to avoid disappointment**

Further details available here

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