Coach Development Update

Building on the partnership between Scottish Squash and England Squash, and following the initial meeting of a collaboration working group, we are now in a position to provide an update on the recent development of our Coach Education programmes. The Level 1 coaching course continues to be delivered and the next course is planned for Thursday 22nd November at Dalgety Bay Squash & Tennis Club (13:00-20:00). A further Level 1 course will then run in the New Year.

Development of our Level 2 coaching course remains a priority for the 2018-19 season and we are at an advanced stage of its development. Following on from the collaboration working group meeting, we have acquired the majority of the course modules from England Squash. Our initial aim was to run the first Level 2 course towards the end of 2018. To ensure the course is delivered to the highest possible standard, we have made the decision to run the first course in early 2019.

In order to support with the planning of the first of the new Level 2 courses, we are looking for feedback on preferred dates and locations. To allow interested candidates to express a preferred option of dates and locations please complete the form here. Please complete this by Sunday 4th November 2018.

In the meantime, further CPD opportunities are being explored.