Coach Licence - Application Form

Section 1 – Coach Details

Section 2 – Squash Specific Qualification

Working with Children

Please check the appropriate box below. If you select ‘I only / I may coach children’ please complete section 3 onwards. If you select ‘I only coach adults (over 18 years old)’ please move to section 5.

Section 3 – Child Wellbeing & Protection In Sport

Section 4 – PVG Membership

If you already have a PVG membership but are unsure of your membership number you can call Disclosure Scotland on 0300 020 0040 to find out.

Section 5 – First Aid

Section 6 – Coach Forum

Section 6 – Scottish Squash Code of Conduct for Coaches

A copy of the Scottish Squash Code of Conduct for Coaches can be downloaded from our website or by clicking here.

Section 8 – Confirmation

If any details above are found to be false/not accurate this may affect Coach Licence benefits such as access to public liability insurance when operating as a coach.

Data Protection – At Scottish Squash, we take the security and privacy of your personal data very seriously. If you would like to know more or would like to understand your data protection rights, please take a look at our Data Protection Policy and Privacy Notices.