COVID-19 – Squash Coach Questionnaire

Following on from our communication to coaches last Tuesday on the coronavirus pandemic, we’re now following up to gather further information and insight into the impact that this has had on the sector. We’ve pulled together a coaches questionnaire that we would be grateful if you could consider completing.

The intention of the questionnaire is to:

  1. Understand any difficulty that squash coaches are facing or are likely to face during this unprecedented period; and
  2. Understand if any coaches would be interested in using this period to develop their coaching and their coaching business.

A copy of the questionnaire can be accessed here.

Self-employment Income Support Scheme

The UK Government announced measures to support the self-employed on Thursday 26th March 2020. This support will be provided through the Self-employed Income Support Scheme which will offer self-employed individuals a taxable grant worth 80% of your average monthly profits (capped at £2,500 per month) calculated by taking the average of your income over the last three years.

Full details on this can be found here.

Support Webinar

Scottish Squash are looking into the possibility of arranging a webinar session to support self-employed coaches with the process and steps they should be completing in order to make sure they can access the grants being offered. The questionnaire includes a question on whether this is something you would be interested in having access to.

Scottish Squash recognise the difficulty this situation has caused to squash coaches and therefore we would be grateful if you could spend take time to complete the survey so we can better understand where support may be required.

If we can be of any further support at this stage please do not hesitate to get in touch with Allan McKay (Head of Coaching & Competitions) on 07483 908 890 or by e-mailing

If you are a qualified coach in Scotland and did not receive an e-mail directly with the details above please apply for your coach licence to be kept up-to-date. Full information on Scottish Squash Coach Licence here.

Scottish Squash have also contacted member clubs directly with information on a club impact survey to gather further information.