Traditionally, women and girls participation in squash is low with only 23% of females being represented within clubs across Scotland. The investments from the women and girls fund has allowed Scottish Squash to develop H//T Squash, a bespoke programme designed BY females, FOR females. The H//T squash programme was developed in partnership with Scottish Women in Sport and we utilised their expertise to ensure the creation of a bespoke programme that catered to the needs of all women and girls.

H//T Squash aims to introduce females to squash by providing an opportunity to learn the very basics of squash whilst being active in a fun, friendly and safe environment.

The programme takes place across 6 weeks with one hour session per week which focuses on each fundamental skill of squash. This ensures that by the end of the 6 weeks, each participant will have a clear understanding of how to play the game.

We have seen great success with the H//T SQUASH Programme, currently H//T SQUASH is delivered in 9 clubs across Scotland with 9 fantastic H//T ACT/VATORS who deliver the programme. In 2023 there were over 100 females introduced to squash through this programme alone.

Would you like to become and H//T ACT/VATOR? If you are interested in delivering this fantastic programme, please contact to find out more information.

BBC Reporting Scotland in June 2019