H//T SQUASH Programme Development – Small Grants Available

H//T SQUASH was established in 2019 in partnership with Scottish Women in Sport (SWIS) following additional investment from the Scottish Government and sportscotland which was focused on increasing opportunities for women and girls to participate in sport and physical activity. 

Scottish Squash utilised the expertise of SWIS to develop a bespoke programme which aimed to provide women and girls with a programme suitable to introduce them to the sport of squash. The investment provided from the Scottish Government and sportscotland allowed us to establish the H//T SQUASH programme and deliver pilot programmes to understand the positive impact that H//T SQUASH could have on introducing women and girls to the sport.  

Information on the pilot programmes which took place, including experiences from participants, can be found in our H//T SQUASH case study. 

The programme is now been prepared to be launched nationally from January 2023. 


Scottish Squash is accepting applications from clubs to register their interest for the H//T SQUASH programme to be developed in their facility from January 2023. Further information regarding the opportunity and information to support with a short application is available below.

Applications close at 23:59 on Sunday 13th November.

Further Information

If you would like further information on the programme or opportunity, please contact Kirsty Lobban (Club Development Manager (Women & Girls)) on 07495 912 850 or kirsty.lobban@scottishsquash.org  

Programme Expansion – January 2023

Scottish Squash is preparing to expand the programme from January 2023 and launch a ‘New Year’ H//T SQUASH programme to capture women and girls looking to take up a new sport/activity in the New Year.

We’re aiming to launch H//T SQUASH across eight different clubs/facilities in January 2023 at a similar time and work together to encourage more women and girls to try squash through this tried and tested programme.

As we prepare to deliver a larger programme from January 2023 we aim to work to the following timetable:

  • Week commencing 24th October: Applications launch
  • Sunday 13th November: Applications close
  • Week commencing 14th November: Successful clubs/facilities and individuals notified
  • Week commencing 5th December: Local community programmes launched for registration from the public
  • Monday 5th December (11am-3pm): H//T SQUASH ACT/VATOR Training session
  • Week commencing 9th January 2023: H//T SQUASH programme delivery commences


Scottish Squash is looking to identify suitable individuals, alongside their club/facility, to be trained and developed as H//T ACT/VATORS and join our network as we prepare to expand the programme from January 2023. Ideally, we’ll identify an additional four individuals to join the network. 

The successful clubs/facilities where a H//T ACT/VATOR will operate from will be offered: 

  • A grant of £240 
  • Paid training and development session for the H//T ACT/VATOR 
  • Bespoke support to develop and establish a programme locally through our development team 
  • The H//T ACT/VATOR will become part of a network of female leaders making a positive difference to women and girls’ squash across Scotland 

The £240 grant will be provided to the identified club/facility to cover the cost of paying the H//T ACT/VATOR to deliver 2x blocks of 6 H//T SQUASH sessions.  

Following the initial block of funded H//T SQUASH sessions, further support will be provided through our development team to explore ways in which the H//T SQUASH sessions can continue locally if they are deemed to be successful in attracting new women and girls to the club. 

During the initial 2 blocks of H//T SQUASH Scottish Squash recommend that the sessions are offered free of charge to participants to ensure that cost is initially not a barrier to attracting new individuals to squash through the programme. 

The Club & Individual

To successfully identify suitable clubs/facilities with the right ambition and environments we believe there are certain aspect which we look for within clubs to establish H//T SQUASH successfully.

Additionally, we want to help develop the right individuals to become H//T SQUASH ACT/VATORS who have a passion to help develop sport and physical activity opportunities for women and girls across Scotland.

Essential Desirable
  • An understanding of women and girls in sport and the support the club needs to further develop in this area
  • Have a good relationship with the identified H//T ACT/VATOR to ensure a successful implementation of the programme
  • Social media presence across various channels
  • An established women and girls squash programme which will create a pathway for new participants to continue in squash after H//T SQUASH
  • Experience delivering sport coaching classes or programmes
  • An enthusiasm for women and girls in sport and desire to make positive changes for those to participate in sport/physical activity
  • Experience delivering squash coaching sessions or programmes