schoolsquash is a fundamental version of squash that can be delivered in the school/games-hall environment. We install lines on the wall and floor of your typical gym hall to make a one-wall squash court – and we can install anywhere between 4-8 courts in your average high school games-hall.

This format of squash allows the sport to be delivered as part of the PE curriculum, and to a class of up to 35 pupils. This helps coaches, schools, clubs and facilities to market the sport to a much wider audience than they would by inviting individual groups down to the local squash club/courts.

Using this programme, coaches can still introduce the rules, lines, skills and movements of squash to a much wider audience. Grip, stance, swing, shot selection can all still be worked on while introducing school pupils to all the mental, health and wellbeing benefits of the ‘healthiest sport in the world’!


We supply each school with 24 Dunlop mini squash balls (foam) to get started.
These balls are perfect for this format of squash, it eliminates the need for goggles (removing equipment costs), and the ball absorbs most of the power keeping the ball in-play for much longer, forcing school pupils to work harder on accuracy and shot-placement.


Most schools (in our experience) have short-tennis rackets, which are perfect for this format of squash. At this basic level of the sport, racket type doesn’t matter too much!

schoolsquash Resource

The schoolsquash resource pack is a vital tool to help PE Teachers, Young Leaders, Coaches and Volunteers deliver high quality squash lessons with limited experience, to beginner players. Each resource pack is made up of 33 cards, split into 5 categories; warm up, movement, ball skills, racket skills, and games. This allows the deliverer to build a high-quality squash lesson with minimal effort. Every exercise/drill card is written in relation to the significant aspects of learning (SALs) to help PE teachers include squash in the PE curriculum with ease.

The Information Tabs (i) are full of useful stuff, including a ‘How to use the resource’ Guide, Court Line Guide, schoolsquash Court Guide, Club/Facility Finder, and a ‘How to grip your racket guide’.

Each card is complete with a QR code which links to the Scottish Squash YouTube channel, showing every drill/practice, and every progression, helping the deliverer to run a session with expertise, knowledge and confidence. Below is an example of a whole session using one card from each section.

We’ve also included a useful session planner to help you build, deliver and time each of your sessions. There is also space to capture session feedback, learning and advice to help you to continue to review, develop and improve your delivery and sessions.

Finally, we’ve included a handy poster for your club to share this resource amongst your members.

Make sure to follow us on social media and tag us in any schoolsquash activity! Below are the links to download the schoolsquash materials:

Session Planner

Squash Leaders Award

We offer a Squash Leaders award for Sport Leaders classes. This is delivered over 3 hours (usually 2 separate double periods) and arms these young leaders with skills, knowledge and resources to deliver high-quality squash lessons as part of an extra-curricular club in their school or to deliver in the local primary schools.

Staff/PE Staff CPD

We also offer a 90-minute CPD session for the PE department of our schoolsquash schools – this can be opened to all faculties.

This session aims to give a brief introduction to the rules and technicalities of the school game, as well as diving into the schoolsquash resource to understand how it can be used to create dynamic and comprehensive PE curriculum squash lessons.

Our Offer:

  • Court installation
  • Staff/PE Staff CPD Session (90-minute session)
  • Sport Leaders – Squash Leader Award (3 hours; 2 x double periods)
  • 24 x Dunlop mini squash balls (foam)
  • Club Development Officer support
  • Links to local club
  • Entry into regional & national schoolsquash annual competitions
  • Copy of our schoolsquash resource pack

Cost: FREE!

Whilst nothing beats playing squash in a traditional facility there are still ways you can introduce and hone squash skills with minimal equipment and space.  

Squash P.E. from home is a 3-episode follow along series featuring some top professional athletes as well as a senior performance coach. Each episode features different exercises, most with easier-harder iterations, all derived from the newly released School Squash resource . Each episode lasts for roughly 20-30 minutes in total with helpful coaching tips and advice along the way from our fantastic deliverers.  

New to the sport? Looking for an alternative method to keep fit from home? Want something new and fun for your kids? then why not check out one of these episodes! 

Episode 1 – Kevin Moran – Senior Performance Coach. 

  • Racket Revolution 
  • Bombs Away 
  • Two Down 
  • Target Smash  
  • Serve Cones


Episode 2 – Georgia Adderley – Scottish Number 2 

  • Front Wall / Back Wall 
  • Mirror Mirror 
  • Spin Master 
  • Target Smash 
  • Solo Exercises + Rallies (added) 

Episode 3 – Alison Thomson 

  • Racket Revolution 
  • Throw & Go 
  • 6 Point Star


If you are interested in finding out further information on bringing schoolsquash to your school get in touch with our Development Team.