Scottish Squash Coronavirus/COVID19 Guidance

18/03/2020 11:30

The wellbeing, health and safety of all our members, staff, volunteers and the general public is a priority for Scottish Squash. In light of recent developments surrounding COVID-19, we have been closely monitoring the situation to ensure that we are responding quickly and effectively, and in line with the latest Scottish Government and NHS Scotland guidelines and recommendations. 

The Scottish Government announcement of 16 March 2020 advises that in order to slow the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus) the general public are being asked to stay at home as much as possible and avoid unnecessary social contact.

This includes minimising social contact by avoiding crowded areas and large gatherings, including religious congregations and smaller gatherings such as restaurants, pubs, bars, clubs, cinemas and gyms.

In addition to safeguarding the health and wellbeing of club members, event organisers, participants and volunteers, this decision will also assist in relieving pressure on public services, including emergency services, during a time when they will be under extreme pressure as a result of the COVID-19 epidemic.

Scottish Squash Update

All the remaining platinum competitions in season 2019-20 have been postponed as per an earlier communication:

In addition, all H//T SQUASH sessions have also been postponed across all clubs involved in delivering the pilot programme.

Scottish Squash staff are being encouraged to work from home and this position is being reviewed on an ongoing basis. The staff team are utilising conference and video technology to support member services as required. If you need to get in touch with a member of the Scottish Squash team, please fill out our Contact form here and we will be in touch.

Advice for Clubs – Update 18/03/2020 15:30

We would encourage clubs to follow the government guidance for the time being and for the situation to be continually monitored. We should be mindful of the guidance on social contact and distancing and apply that sensibly. 

We appreciate that some clubs may wish to continue to operate. Should this be the case it is important to follow the most up to date health advice and to increase communications about wellbeing with players. Players should also continue to seek guidance from operators of clubs/facilities to understand the position regarding access, which is subject to change.

Clubs and officials can download the following PDF resources for display purposes in and around venues:

NHS Coronavirus Public Information Poster
NHS Coronavirus Building Entrance Poster

This is an ongoing and fast-moving situation and further updates will be provided by Scottish Squash in line with UK or Scottish Government advice and guidance.

Useful Information

UK Government

Scottish Government 

NHS Inform  

We will continue to update our membership on a regular basis and will share updates on Twitter and Facebook

Current advice and guidance from the Scottish Government

Those most at risk strongly advised to reduce unnecessary contact.

To slow the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus) the general public are being asked to stay at home as much as possible and avoid unnecessary social contact.

People over 70 and those who have high risk and underlying health conditions are being strongly advised to stay at home as much as possible and significantly reduce unnecessary social contact.

The advice is that people should:

  • minimise social contact by avoiding crowded areas and large gatherings, including religious congregations and smaller gatherings such as restaurants, pubs, bars, clubs, cinemas and gyms
  • avoid using public transport as much as possible
  • work from home when possible
  • follow the latest health and travel advice, and follow basic hygiene precautions, such as washing hands frequently, not touching their face and covering their nose and mouth with a tissue when coughing or sneezing

People showing symptoms suggestive of coronavirus should stay at home for seven days and only contact NHS 111 or their local GP if their symptoms worsen during that period.

Members of a household where someone has suspected symptoms should stay at home for 14 days.