Scottish Squash Member Equality Survey 2020

in partnership with SportyHQ and the opportunity to receive a free upgrade to SportyHQ Premium


Scottish Squash is committed to making squash accessible to all. This will be accomplished by upholding the principles of equality in all aspects of our work. We will audit and monitor our business activities regularly, and take appropriate steps if it appears that our commitment to equality is not being delivered effectively.

We are collecting data on the profile of our membership in terms of equality. Your cooperation in helping us to gather this monitoring information will greatly aid our efforts to ensure that all members are treated fairly regardless of age, race, disability, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion or belief.

Without this data, it will not be possible to identify any current areas of under-representation or potential inequalities, and as such, it will make it much more difficult for us to tackle these issues.

This work is being carried out as part of our responsibilities under the Equality Act 2010 and as part of the accreditation process for the Equality Standard for Sport.

How your personal information will be treated

Responses will be treated in the strictest confidence, in line with the principles of the Data Protection Act 2018. This means that:

  • your information will be stored securely with restricted access;
  • information will be anonymous (this means that there will be no way in which you can be identified), there is nowhere on the form that asks for your name; and
  • information will be combined in the form of summary reports which will be reported to our Board and published on our website.

Instructions for completion

You are not obliged to answer all of the questions.

We hope that you will take the time to complete the below survey.

Thank you in advance of your cooperation.

Maggie Still, Chief Executive, Scottish Squash


Data Protection – At Scottish Squash, we take the security and privacy of your personal data very seriously. If you would like to know more or would like to understand your data protection rights, please take a look at our Data Protection Policy and Privacy Notices –

Please click here to complete the Scottish Squash Equality Monitoring Survey 2020