Together for Squash in Scotland strategy launched for 2023-27

Following an extensive consultation with the sport’s stakeholders, Scottish Squash is delighted to launch its new strategy, ‘Together for Squash in Scotland’.

The new strategy aims to build on the successes achieved during the last strategic cycle, while planning for the continued growth of the sport.

During a challenging period, when the sport was heavily impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, Scotland hosted a hugely successful World Doubles Championship in 2022 and saw Scottish players win medals at major events including the European Teams Championship, World Doubles Championships and Commonwealth Games.

At grassroots level, the sport’s coaching network grew, with a coach licence established. The achievement of the Intermediate level of the Equality Standard for Sport framework was an important step towards the continued aim of widening access for all.

The entirety of Scotland’s squash community was invited to contribute to the development of the strategy, which will guide the future of squash in Scotland.

From players, parents and coaches to referees, club administrators and commercial partners, the ‘Together for Squash in Scotland’ strategy provides a shared vision for the sport, shaped by the sport.

On the launch of the new strategy, Scottish Squash CEO Maggie Still said: “I’m thrilled to be setting out an exciting new vision for squash which will put a focus on working with regions and clubs to re-energise the game while supporting all of Scotland’s squash players to access a player development pathway to enable them to ‘be the best they wish to be’.

“When we launched the ‘Squash – A Healthy Sport’ strategy in 2019, we couldn’t have imagined the challenges that the sport – and country – would face over the next four years. Scotland’s squash community pulled together to guide the sport through that period of unprecedented challenge.

“That unity highlighted the best of squash in Scotland and helped to deliver success at all levels of the game. From unforgettable medal success at the Commonwealth games, to the strengthening of our coaching network and new players being encouraged to give the game a go, we have a strong base to build on in the years ahead.

“We are also pleased to confirm that sportscotland, our lead investor, have increased the level of investment being provided to the national governing body for the second consecutive strategic cycle. The additional investment is very specifically aligned to the continued development of a broader more inclusive player pathway. We remain grateful to sportscotland, Springfield Properties and all of our other partners for their continued support and investment to squash in Scotland.”

‘Together for Squash in Scotland’ is underpinned by three Strategic Pillars:


Performance Pathway


At the heart of the strategy are our values – Inclusive, Collaborative, Transparent and Empowering.

The full strategy can be viewed here.

On launching the new strategy and finalising the investment from sportscotland, Scottish Squash are able to confirm some changes to the executive team. To support the continued development of the player pathway, Kylie Lindsay will take up a redefined role as Pathway Manager/Coach and Philip Lyons has been appointed to a new role as Pathway Systems Coordinator.

Paul Bell’s role within the performance pathway has been focused as Elite Performance Coach as the strategy aims to continue to support Scotland’s elite players to achieve medal success. Within the development team, Kevin Moran’s role has also been focused as Workforce Development Manager to continue to grow the coaching network and support the development of a refereeing and volunteer strategy. Stuart Monteith will take on an additional communications remit as Membership Engagement Manager in order to continue to support Scottish Squash to raise the profile of the sport across Scotland.

The full executive team remits and contact details can be viewed here.

Scottish Squash President and Chair of the Board Paul Macari said: “‘Together for Squash in Scotland’ sets out a clear vision for Scotland’s squash community to work together and help the sport thrive.

“Clubs remain the heartbeat of the sport, and this strategy will ensure closer working between the governing body, regions and clubs to help raise the profile of squash at a national, regional and local level.

“We remain unwavering in our commitment to diversity and inclusion, to widening access to squash for all and to working with Scotland’s squash community in an open, transparent manner to help squash in Scotland achieve its full potential.”