Women and Girls in Squash Charter

We want squash in Scotland to be an inclusive sport that everyone can take part, enjoy and succeed in at all levels regardless of their gender. We know through our membership data, and annual equality monitoring efforts, that women and girls are significantly under-represented in squash in Scotland and can face barriers to participation. The ‘Women and Girls in Squash Charter’ is a commitment between Scottish Squash and its member clubs to take visible steps to remove these barriers.

The charter has five core principles for Scottish Squash member clubs to sign up to.

  1. Take steps to actively involve women and girls in squash and visibly support women and girl’s inclusion and equality.
  2. Challenge discriminatory behaviour and ensure a positive and welcoming culture and environment for women and girl participants.
  3. Commit to actively working with the Club Development Officer (Women & Girls) to complete the Scottish Squash ‘Women & Girls Toolkit’.
  4. Provide free sanitary products for women and girl members and visitors, display promotional material to advertise these products, and ensure they are accessible and available at all times.
  5. Strive to make continuous improvements to greater include women and girls in squash in Scotland.

If your club is interested in signing up to the ‘Women and Girls in Squash Charter’ then please get in touch with Cara Shearer, Club Development Officer (Women & Girls), on:

07495 912 850
