Women’s Squash Week 2016 September 16th – September 25th

Join women around Scotland for the fifth annual Women’s Squash Week. Use this experience as a time to promote the game of squash and get to know other women squash players in your surrounding area. Beginners– also use this as a time to learn more about the game! Women’s Squash Week 2016 is scheduled for September 16-25 and players can find a details of events to participate in below.




Dumfries SRC

Tuesday 20th September womens invitational evening- all female playing members of all clubs in Dumfries and Galloway are invited to join us at Dumfries SRC for an evening of womens squash

Thursday 22nd we are running our first ever UV squash and racketball event- billed as “Where nightclub meets sport!” By the BBC, female only for women’s squash week-I think this may be the first such event in Scotland so pretty excited about that! It Is open to any women or girls who want to come along and try squash or racketball under the UV lights with music.

The week finishes with a pro event. We are delighted to announce we will have Welsh number 1, World number 25 Tesni Evans and her brother Emyr world number 179 visiting the club. The timetable will include training exhibitions,coaching and exhibition challenge matches and is sponsored by Karakal and Backswing.

More to follow…


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